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- J.J. Abrams
- year: 2019
- Creator: J.J. Abrams
- 142 minute
- Carrie Fisher
Watch movie star wars 3a episode ix- the rise of skywalker problems. 30 videos deleted, that equals 1 day's work for Mike Zeroh. 🤔. Watch movie star wars 3a episode ix- the rise of skywalker free.
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Star wars episode ix - the rise of skywalker full movie online.
Those who smiled by Jim Carreys entrance,lets meet here...
Episode 8: let go of the past Episode 9: wellll maybe not.
Watch movie star wars 3a episode ix- the rise of skywalker review.
Watch movie star wars 3a episode ix- the rise of skywalker hd.
Never thought I would say this, but there was too much action in this film.
It needed to slow down a bit to let me catch the emotional parts.
So much story is going on in this film, but it doesn't get jumbled all together, but it's all cut up and pasted together in a way that makes it go by so quickly (well, not really. It did feel like a 2 hour and 22 min film. I never really got the chance to care about anything happening.
I like Star Wars just enough to not get lost on parts of the story that would relate to other movies. Sure, chances are everyone has seen all 8 movies before, but if you have not seen the last two than this movie's got nothing for you. It barely entertained me and I've seen them at least twice.
Rise of the Skywalker takes us to amazing places with some cool characters that are fun to be around, but the fan service is not doing this movie any favors and as for the surprise on Death's ears. Not enough good vs. evil to get the emotional impact of the ending.
It's more watchable than the last Jedi but barely.
Star Wars Episode IX- Damage Control.
Watch star wars episode ix - the rise of skywalker full movie. Still, Baby Yoda remains the cutest. This is the way. 2019 : Saga Will End Me : I Have Bad Feeling about This... Watch movie star wars episode ix - the rise of skywalker trailer. Kylo finally using the side of his lightsaber to kill someone. Since when was C3-P0 friends with these characters. I think J.J. has been hanging around Mark Hamill too much, he is picking up that speak your mind thing! LMAO! Good for you Abrams. Watch movie star wars: episode ix - the rise of skywalkerrise of skywalker imdb. Watch movie star wars: episode ix - the rise of skywalkerrise of skywalker 2019.
To all the people complaining about Disney bringing back Palpatine, please read this comment. First, the return of Palpatine first occurred in Legends, before Disney even bought Star Wars. The way Palpatine lived during legends is by transferring his spirit into a new body when the old body was destroyed. At first, he used clones of himself, but as more clones were used, the faster the clones died. Eventually a dying Jedi destroyed the soul of Palpatine by dying with the soul in him. Alternatively, a sith force ghost is also possible. Either way, Palpatines original body is dead. Second, the return of Palpatine doesnt mean that Anakin killed Palpatine for nothing. Remember that there is a big time gap between the Original Trilogy and the Sequels. By defeating Palpatine, Anakin severely crippled the empire. And, the fact that Palpatine is coming back a while after episode 6 means that the galaxy was Palpatine free for some time. If Palpatine had returned right after episode 6, the rebellion would probably be wiped out quickly.
Who ever has seen the new movie knows who she is. Palpatines granddaughter. This is like revealing for the first time that Darth Vader is Luke's father in the opening crawl of ROTJ. I suppose it's forgivable since we already knew he'd return in one way or another, but still...
When Rey said you dont know me she was talking to all the real Star Wars fans. Watch movie star wars: episode ix - the rise of skywalkerrise of skywalker. The Emperor's back. Watch movie star wars: episode ix - the rise of skywalkerrise of skywalker dvd.
Remember when Star Wars was good. please watch our crap
The tears. Thats when you know its more than just a movie. Star Wars Fans: Skywalker will be rising? Disney: Palpatine laugh. Watch star wars episode ix - the rise of skywalker full movie online. Cap Tony and Thor best triple threat ever. I was always A DC kid growing up. But always loved Cap for what he stood for, a modern day Lone Ranger. I loved how Cap was the one that went the longest toe to toe with Thanos. Cap and Tony gone will mean the lowering of the Marvel cinematic universe. The stand alone like Black Panther, Ms. MARVEL, just didn't do anything. Panther was just a tired rehashed revenge right to the throne picture. Antman movies are ok because of Paul Rudd being a comedian. Spiderman seems ok because of the new kid. They are fun. Dr. Strange with out an other heroes is just blah. 1st guardians was good, but 2nd was kinda like a TNT cable movie. The director and casting director got the cast so right with these movies. The choice to change Thanos reason for the stones was a great idea. The comic book Stan Lee original lame story line to impress a chic was just that LAME. But I fear the Marvel story lines for the movies will get poorer and it will be seen in the box office returns. The series have made these actors very very rich. So they can go and do their art house pictures, stage plays, Shakespeare or independent movies. This will make them feel good for awhile but in the end you go home with the one that brought you to the dance. With Cap and Tony gone things will change. My only hope is they did leave a door open for Cap to return. By traveling into the past and staying he can do team ups with the original Nick Fury and the Howling Mad Commandos. They have left a 50 year time line open for him to keep working with SHIELD and his old lady. This has great potential for older team up story lines. Please take NOTE MARVEL WRITERS TEAM UPS ARE WHAT WE LIKE AND WANT TO SEE.
So did ray get full Jedi training or can she just force jump because why not. One of the best ones yet! Amazing job guys! Spasiba. Rose Tico look good, thast what backlash do to you. Has anyone else thought about the thing under the star destroyers😂. I Want cry 😂😢. Boba fetts still being digested. This man can predict the United States Presidential election but not a single Star Wars plot point (until today) Im so sorry MatPat.
- Publisher: deathly ill
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